Learn how to set FracLac up to output results to stored files automatically and how to save output files manually.

Saving Results with FracLac

The tutorials on this page offer general guidelines rather than specific instructions for particular types of scans. See the Tutorials Index for more on specific scan types.

Objective: Learn how to save data and graphics files automatically in a folder or else view them on screen immediately and, if required, save them manually.

    Tutorials on this page:
  1. Saving Data Files
    1. Automatically
    2. Manually
  2. Saving Graphics Files
    1. Automatically
    2. Manually


To automatically save data files without viewing them first

  1. Prior to scanning an image,
  2. Start the scan
    1. Just prior to processing your request, a file chooser dialog box will ask you to select a location to store the data and graphics files.
    2. Navigate to the location you want to store the files, and select a file in that parent folder (Note: there must be at least one file in the parent folder in order for the folder to be selected; to create a file in Windows without exiting from the dialog, for example, right mouse in the directory then select "New" to create an empty text file which you can now select.).
  3. After the scan is done, navigate to the directory you selected, and view the saved files. They will be stored inside of that directory, in a subdirectory named using the time at which the scan was done.

Troubleshooting: If no files are generated or the files you expected are not generated in the directory you selected, ensure that "Save Files" is selected in the particular scan type that you used by clicking the purple button for that scan type and verifying the settings. The "Save Files" option is at the bottom left of the panels.
Also ensure that the options to generate the data files you desire are selected in the particular scan type that you used.

To view then manually save data files

  1. Select a scan type, then unselect "Save Files" on the options panel for the particular scan type you are doing.
  2. Start the scan.
  3. When the analysis is done, FracLac will show windows with your results as various text and graphics files, depending on the scan type and options you selected.
    • View or save data in a Results Table as a text file using the File>Save As option at the top of the Results Table.
    • Copy data from a Results Table using its Select and Copy functions, then import the results directly into a spreadsheet. Ensure that the appropriate column headings are recorded as these are not copied by this method.
  4. You can continue scanning new images and multiple results will be recorded in the same Results Table for some scans, but results will be lost if a table is closed without being saved.

Troubleshooting: If no files are generated on screen or the files you expected are not generated,
ensure that "Save Files" is not selected in the particular scan type that you used by clicking the purple button for that scan type. The "Save Files" option is at the bottom left of the panels;
Also ensure that the options to generate the data files you desire are selected in the particular scan type that you used.


To automatically save graphics files generated by a scan

  1. Select a scan type, then select "Save Files" and the graphics files you desire on the options panel for that particular scan.
  2. Start the scan.
    1. Just prior to processing your request, a file chooser dialog box will ask you to select a location to store data and graphics files.
    2. Navigate to the location you want to store the files, and select a file in that folder (Note: there must be at least one file in the parent folder in order for the folder to be selected).
  3. After the scan is done, navigate to the directory you selected, and view the saved files. They will be stored inside of that directory, in a subdirectory named using the time at which the scan was done.

Troubleshooting: If no files are generated in the directory you selected, ensure that "Save Files" is selected in the particular scan type that you used by clicking the purple button for that scan type. The "Save Files" option is at the bottom left of the panels. Also ensure that the options to generate the graphics files you desire are selected in the particular scan type that you used.

To manually save graphics files generated by a scan

    • Save images and graphs by selecting the graphic and using the File>Save As option on the ImageJ menu.
    • Save data from graphs using the ImageJ List and Save functions that appear on the graphs. Note that you can generate data files for the graphics files by setting the option to do so prior to scanning.