unit Math; interface uses QuickDraw, Palettes, PrintTraps, globals, Utilities, Graphics, Camera, Filters, Lut; procedure SetPasteMode (item: integer); procedure DoMouseDownInPasteControl (loc: point); procedure ShowPasteControl; procedure DrawPasteControl; procedure DoArithmetic (MenuItem: integer; constant: extended); procedure DoMath (Src1PicNum, Src2PicNum: integer; result: str255); procedure DoPasteMath; procedure DoImageMath; implementation const Src1Item = 7; Src2Item = 8; OpItem = 9; procedure DoPasteMath; const PixelsPerUpdate = 15000; var nrows, ncols, hSrcStart, vSrcStart, hDstStart, vDstStart: integer; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; h, v, vDst, PixelCount, offset: integer; Src, Dst: LineType; tmp, range, min, max, StartTicks: LongInt; x, xmax, xmin, xrange, xscale: extended; begin if TooWide then exit(DoPasteMath); ShowWatch; OpPending := false; WhatToUndo := UndoPaste; KillRoi; with info^.RoiRect do begin ncols := right - left; nrows := bottom - top; hDstStart := left; vDstStart := top; end; with ClipBufInfo^.RoiRect do begin hSrcStart := left; vSrcStart := top; end; if hDstStart < 0 then begin offset := -hDstStart; hDstStart := 0; hSrcStart := hSrcStart + offset; ncols := ncols - offset; end; if vDstStart < 0 then begin offset := -vDstStart; vDstStart := 0; vSrcStart := vSrcStart + offset; nrows := nrows - offset; end; with info^.PicRect do begin if hDstStart + ncols > right then ncols := right - hDstStart; if vDstStart + nrows > bottom then nrows := bottom - vDstStart; end; SaveInfo := info; vDst := vDstStart; min := 999999; max := -999999; xmin := 999999.0; xmax := -999999.0; StartTicks := TickCount; {First pass to find result range} if ScaleArithmetic then begin for v := vSrcStart to vSrcStart + nRows - 1 do begin Info := ClipBufInfo; GetLine(hSrcStart, v, nCols, Src); Info := SaveInfo; GetLine(hDstStart, vDst, nCols, Dst); case CurrentOp of AddOp: begin for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Src[h] + Dst[h]; if tmp > max then max := tmp; if tmp < Min then min := tmp; end; end; SubtractOp: begin for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Dst[h] - Src[h]; if tmp > max then max := tmp; if tmp < Min then min := tmp; end; end; MultiplyOp: begin for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := LongInt(Dst[h]) * Src[h]; if tmp > max then max := tmp; if tmp < min then min := tmp; end; end; DivideOp: begin for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Src[h]; if tmp = 0 then tmp := 1; x := Dst[h] / tmp; if x > xmax then begin xmax := x; end; if x < xmin then xmin := x; end; end; end; vDst := vDst + 1; end; vDst := vDstStart; if CurrentOp = DivideOp then begin xrange := xmax - xmin; if xrange <> 0.0 then xscale := 256.0 / xrange else xscale := 1; end else range := max - min; end; {if ScaleArithmetic=true} PixelCount := 0; {Second pass to do arithmetic and scaling} for v := vSrcStart to vSrcStart + nRows - 1 do begin Info := ClipBufInfo; GetLine(hSrcStart, v, nCols, Src); Info := SaveInfo; GetLine(hDstStart, vDst, nCols, Dst); case CurrentOp of AddOp: if ScaleArithmetic then for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Dst[h] + Src[h] - min; if range <> 0 then tmp := tmp * 256 div range else tmp := BackgroundIndex; if tmp > 255 then dst[h] := 255 else dst[h] := tmp; end else for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Dst[h] + Src[h]; if tmp > 255 then dst[h] := 255 else dst[h] := tmp; end; SubtractOp: if ScaleArithmetic then for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Dst[h] - Src[h] - min; if range <> 0 then tmp := tmp * 256 div range else tmp := BackgroundIndex; if tmp > 255 then dst[h] := 255 else dst[h] := tmp; end else for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Dst[h] - Src[h]; if tmp < 0 then dst[h] := 0 else dst[h] := tmp; end; MultiplyOp: if ScaleArithmetic then for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := LongInt(Dst[h]) * Src[h] - min; if range <> 0 then tmp := tmp * 256 div range else tmp := BackgroundIndex; if tmp > 255 then dst[h] := 255 else dst[h] := tmp; end else for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := LongInt(Dst[h]) * Src[h]; if tmp > 255 then dst[h] := 255 else dst[h] := tmp; end; DivideOp: if ScaleArithmetic then for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Src[h]; if tmp = 0 then tmp := 1; x := Dst[h] / tmp - xmin; if xrange <> 0.0 then tmp := trunc(x * xscale) else tmp := BackgroundIndex; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; dst[h] := tmp; end else for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := Src[h]; if tmp = 0 then tmp := 1; dst[h] := Dst[h] div tmp; end; end; PutLine(hDstStart, vDst, nCols, Dst); vDst := vDst + 1; PixelCount := PixelCount + ncols; if PixelCount > PixelsPerUpdate then begin UpdateScreen(info^.RoiRect); if CommandPeriod then begin UpdateScreen(info^.RoiRect); beep; exit(DoPasteMath) end; PixelCount := 0; end; end; with info^ do begin ShowTime(StartTicks, RoiRect, ''); UpdateScreen(RoiRect); end; end; procedure SetPasteMode (item: integer); var SavePort: GrafPtr; BlendColor: rgbColor; begin if not macro then begin SetForegroundColor(BlackIndex); SetBackGroundColor(WhiteIndex); end; case Item of CopyModeItem: PasteTransferMode := SrcCopy; AndItem: PasteTransferMode := NotSrcBic; {And} OrItem: PasteTransferMode := SrcOr; XorItem: PasteTransferMode := SrcXor; ReplaceItem: PasteTransferMode := Transparent; BlendItem: begin GetPort(SavePort); with BlendColor do begin red := 32767; blue := 32767; green := 32767; end; SetPort(GrafPtr(info^.osPort)); OpColor(BlendColor); SetPort(SavePort); PasteTransferMode := Blend; end; otherwise end; {case} end; function GetTransferModeItem: integer; begin case PasteTransferMode of SrcCopy: GetTransferModeItem := CopyModeItem; NotSrcBic: GetTransferModeItem := AndItem; SrcOr: GetTransferModeItem := OrItem; SrcXor: GetTransferModeItem := XorItem; Transparent: GetTransferModeItem := ReplaceItem; Blend: GetTransferModeItem := BlendItem; end; end; procedure DrawPasteControl; const bWidth = 64; bHeight = 14; vinc = 18; bhloc = 114; bvloc = 6; var tPort: GrafPtr; i, hloc, vloc, item: integer; tType: pcItemType; tRect, TriangleRect: rect; ItemStr: str255; begin GetPort(tPort); SetPort(PasteControl); with PcItem[1] do begin SetRect(r, 15, 22, 95, 40); itype := pcPopupMenu; str := 'Transfer Mode'; end; with pcItem[2] do begin SetRect(r, 88, 50, 100, 62); itype := pcCheckBox; str := 'Scale Math'; end; with pcItem[3] do begin SetRect(r, 88, 65, 100, 77); itype := pcCheckBox; str := 'Live Paste'; end; hloc := bhloc; vloc := bvloc; tType := pcButton; with pcItem[4] do begin SetRect(r, hloc, vloc, hloc + bWidth, vloc + bHeight); itype := tType; str := 'Add'; end; vloc := vloc + vinc; with pcItem[5] do begin SetRect(r, hloc, vloc, hloc + bWidth, vloc + bHeight); itype := tType; str := 'Subtract'; end; vloc := vloc + vinc; with pcItem[6] do begin SetRect(r, hloc, vloc, hloc + bWidth, vloc + bHeight); itype := tType; str := 'Multiply'; end; vloc := vloc + vinc; with pcItem[7] do begin SetRect(r, hloc, vloc, hloc + bWidth, vloc + bHeight); itype := tType; str := 'Divide'; end; TextFont(SystemFont); TextSize(12); for i := 1 to npcItems do with pcItem[i] do case iType of pcPopupMenu: with r do begin MoveTo(r.left - 10, r.top - 4); DrawString(str); DrawDropBox(r); item := GetTransferModeItem; GetItem(TransferModeMenuH, item, ItemStr); MoveTo(left + 13, bottom - 5); DrawString(ItemStr); end; pcCheckBox: with r do begin MoveTo(left - StringWidth(str) - 4, bottom - 2); DrawString(str); EraseRect(r); FrameRect(r); if ((i = 2) and ScaleArithmetic) or ((i = 3) and LivePasteMode) then begin MoveTo(left, top); LineTo(right - 1, bottom - 1); MoveTo(left, bottom - 1); LineTo(right - 1, top); end; end; pcButton: begin FrameRoundRect(r, 6, 6); with r do MoveTo(left + ((right - left) - StringWidth(str)) div 2, bottom - 3); DrawString(str); end; end; {case} SetPort(tPort); end; procedure DoMouseDownInPasteControl; {(loc:point)} var nItem, i, MenuItem: integer; tr: rect; begin if not (OpPending and (CurrentOp = PasteOp)) then begin PutMessage('Paste Control is only available during paste operations.'); exit(DoMouseDownInPasteControl); end; SetPort(PasteControl); GlobalToLocal(loc); nItem := 0; for i := 1 to npcItems do if PtInRect(loc, pcItem[i].r) then nitem := i; if nItem > 0 then begin case pcItem[nItem].itype of pcPopUpMenu: with pcItem[1].r do begin MenuItem := PopUpMenu(TransferModeMenuH, left, top, GetTransferModeItem); SetPasteMode(MenuItem); end; pcCheckBox: begin tr := pcItem[nItem].r; InsetRect(tr, 1, 1); FrameRect(tr); if nitem = 2 then ScaleArithmetic := not ScaleArithmetic; if nitem = 3 then begin LivePasteMode := not LivePasteMode; if LivePasteMode then begin ExternalTrigger := false; UpdateVideoControl end; end; end; pcButton: begin InvertRoundRect(pcItem[nitem].r, 6, 6); while Button and (nitem > 0) do begin GetMouse(loc); if not PtInRect(loc, pcItem[nitem].r) then begin InvertRoundRect(pcItem[nitem].r, 6, 6); nItem := 0; end; end; end; end; {case} repeat until not button; if nItem > 0 then with pcItem[nitem] do begin case itype of pcPopupMenu: ; pcCheckBox: begin end; pcButton: begin InvertRoundRect(pcItem[nitem].r, 6, 6); if info^.RoiType = RectRoi then begin case nitem of 4: CurrentOp := AddOp; 5: CurrentOp := SubtractOp; 6: CurrentOp := MultiplyOp; 7: CurrentOp := DivideOp; end; DoPasteMath; end; {if} end; {pcButton} end; {case} end; {with} end; {if nitem>0} if LivePasteMode and (((WhatsOnClip <> CameraPic) and (WhatsOnClip <> LivePic)) or ((FrameGrabber <> QuickCapture) and (FrameGrabber <> ScionLG3))) then begin PutMessage('"Live Paste" requires that a rectangular selection be first copied from the Camera window to the Clipboard.'); LivePasteMode := false; end; if LivePasteMode and (info^.PictureType = FrameGrabberType) then begin PutMessage('Live pasting into the Camera window is not supported.'); LivePasteMode := false; end; DrawPasteControl; end; procedure ShowPasteControl; var tPort: GrafPtr; trect: rect; wp: ^WindowPtr; begin SetRect(trect, PasteControlLeft, PasteControlTop, PasteControlLeft + pcwidth, PasteControlTop + pcheight); PasteControl := NewWindow(nil, trect, 'Paste Control', true, rDocProc, nil, true, 0); WindowPeek(PasteControl)^.WindowKind := PasteControlKind; wp := pointer(GhostWindow); wp^ := PasteControl; PasteTransferMode := SrcCopy; LivePasteMode := false; end; procedure DoArithmetic (MenuItem: integer; constant: extended); var table: LookupTable; i: integer; tmp: LongInt; LogScale: extended; Canceled: boolean; begin canceled := false; if not macro then case menuItem of AddItem: constant := GetReal('Constant to add:', 25, Canceled); SubtractItem: constant := GetReal('Constant to subtract:', 25, Canceled); MultiplyItem: begin constant := GetReal('Constant to multiply by:', 1.25, Canceled); if constant < 0.0 then begin PutMessage('Constant must be positive.'); exit(DoArithmetic); end; end; DivideItem: begin constant := GetReal('Constant to divide by:', 1.25, Canceled); if constant <= 0.0 then begin PutMessage('Constant must be nonzero and positive.'); exit(DoArithmetic); end; end; LogItem: begin constant := 0.0; LogScale := 255.0 / ln(255.0); end; end; {case} if Canceled then exit(DoArithmetic); for i := 0 to 255 do begin case MenuItem of AddItem: tmp := round(i + constant); SubtractItem: tmp := round(i - constant); MultiplyItem: tmp := round(i * constant); DivideItem: tmp := round(i / constant); LogItem: if i = 0 then tmp := 0 else tmp := round(ln(i) * LogScale); end; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; table[i] := tmp; end; ApplyTable(table); end; function GetInfoPtr (PicN: integer): InfoPtr; {Converts a pic number or pid number to an Info ptr.} var i: integer; begin i := 0; while (PicN < 0) and (i < nPics) do begin i := i + 1; if InfoPtr(WindowPeek(PicWindow[i])^.RefCon)^.pidNum = PicN then PicN := i; end; if (PicN >= 1) or (PicN <= nPics) then GetInfoPtr := pointer(WindowPeek(PicWindow[PicN])^.RefCon) else GetInfoPtr := nil; end; procedure DoMath (Src1PicNum, Src2PicNum: integer; result: str255); const PixelsPerUpdate = 5000; var nrows, ncols, hStart, vStart: integer; Src1Info, Src2Info, SaveInfo: InfoPtr; h, v, PixelCount: integer; src1, src2, dst: LineType; tmp, tmp1, tmp2, StartTicks, scale, ScaledGain: LongInt; rtmp: real; roi: rect; DoScaling: boolean; begin if TooWide then exit(DoMath); Src1Info := GetInfoPtr(Src1PicNum); Src2Info := GetInfoPtr(Src2PicNum); if (Src1Info = nil) or (Src2Info = nil) then begin PutMessage('Bad pic num or pid num.'); macro := false; exit(DoMath); end; ShowWatch; if Src1Info^.RoiShowing and (Src1Info^.RoiType = RectRoi) then roi := Src1Info^.RoiRect else if Src2Info^.RoiShowing and (Src2Info^.RoiType = RectRoi) then roi := Src2Info^.RoiRect else roi := Src1Info^.PicRect; if not SectRect(roi, Src1Info^.PicRect, roi) then begin macro := false; exit(DoMath); end; if not SectRect(roi, Src2Info^.PicRect, roi) then begin macro := false; exit(DoMath); end; with roi do begin ncols := right - left; nrows := bottom - top; hStart := left; vStart := top; end; if (ncols < 30) or (nrows < 1) then begin PutMessage('Selection is too small.'); macro := false; exit(DoMath); end; if not NewPicWindow(result, ncols, nrows) then exit(DoMath); SaveInfo := info; StartTicks := TickCount; PixelCount := 0; scale := 10000; ScaledGain := round(MathGain * scale); DoScaling := (MathGain <> 1.0) or (MathOffset <> 0); for v := vStart to vStart + nRows - 1 do begin info := Src1Info; GetLine(hStart, v, nCols, src1); Info := Src2Info; GetLine(hStart, v, nCols, src2); case CurrentMathOp of AddMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := src1[h] + src2[h]; tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; dst[h] := tmp; end; SubMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := src1[h] - src2[h]; tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; dst[h] := tmp; end; MulMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := LongInt(src1[h]) * src2[h]; tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; dst[h] := tmp; end; DivMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin rtmp := src1[h] / src2[h]; tmp := round(rtmp * MathGain) + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; dst[h] := tmp; end; AndMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := band(src1[h], src2[h]); if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; OrMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := bor(src1[h], src2[h]); if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; XorMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := bxor(src1[h], src2[h]); if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; MaxMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp1 := src1[h]; tmp2 := src2[h]; if tmp1 >= tmp2 then tmp := tmp1 else tmp := tmp2; if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; MinMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp1 := src1[h]; tmp2 := src2[h]; if tmp1 <= tmp2 then tmp := tmp1 else tmp := tmp2; if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; CopyMath: for h := 0 to nCols - 1 do begin tmp := src1[h]; if DoScaling then begin tmp := (tmp * ScaledGain) div scale + MathOffset; if tmp > 255 then tmp := 255; if tmp < 0 then tmp := 0; end; dst[h] := tmp; end; end; Info := SaveInfo; PutLine(0, v - vstart, nCols, Dst); PixelCount := PixelCount + ncols; if PixelCount > PixelsPerUpdate then begin UpdateScreen(info^.RoiRect); if CommandPeriod then begin UpdateScreen(info^.RoiRect); beep; macro := false; exit(DoMath) end; PixelCount := 0; end; end; with info^ do begin ShowTime(StartTicks, RoiRect, ''); UpdateScreen(RoiRect); Changes := true; end; end; function ImageTitle (var PicNumber: integer): str255; var TempInfo: InfoPtr; begin if (PicNumber < 1) or (PicNumber > nPics) then PicNumber := 1; TempInfo := pointer(WindowPeek(PicWindow[PicNumber])^.RefCon); ImageTitle := TempInfo^.title; end; procedure ImageMathUProc (d: DialogPtr; item: integer); {User proc for Image Math dialog box} const ops = ''; var str: str255; VersInfo: str255; r: rect; begin SetPort(d); GetDItemRect(d, item, r); DrawDropBox(r); case item of Src1Item: DrawPopUpText(ImageTitle(MathSrc1), r); Src2Item: DrawPopUpText(ImageTitle(MathSrc2), r); OpItem: begin GetItem(ImageMathOpsMenuH, ord(CurrentMathOp) + 1, str); ShowMessage(long2str(ord(str[1]))); DrawPopUpText(str, r); end; end; end; function PopUpImageList (r: rect; CurrentImage: integer): integer; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to nPics do begin AppendMenu(ImageListMenuH, ' '); SetItem(ImageListMenuH, i, ImageTitle(i)); end; PopUpImageList := PopUpMenu(ImageListMenuH, r.left, r.top, CurrentImage); for i := 1 to nPics do DelMenuItem(ImageListMenuH, 1); end; procedure DoImageMath; const ScaleItem = 10; OffsetItem = 11; ResultItem = 12; var d: DialogPtr; item, i, MenuItem: integer; r: rect; str: str255; ScaleOffEdited: boolean; procedure ShowScaleAndOffset; begin SetDReal(d, ScaleItem, MathGain, 4); SetDNum(d, OffsetItem, MathOffset); end; procedure ResetScaleOff; begin if not ScaleOffEdited then begin MathGain := 1.0; MathOffset := 0; ShowScaleAndOffset; end; end; begin InitCursor; ScaleOffEdited := false; d := GetNewDialog(200, nil, pointer(-1)); SetUProc(d, Src1Item, @ImageMathUProc); SetUProc(d, Src2Item, @ImageMathUProc); SetUProc(d, OpItem, @ImageMathUProc); ShowScaleAndOffset; SetDString(d, ResultItem, MathResult); if (MathSrc1 = 1) and (MathSrc2 = 1) then MathSrc1 := info^.PicNum; if MathSrc1 = MathSrc2 then begin if MathSrc1 = info^.PicNum then begin MathSrc2 := MathSrc2 + 1; if MathSrc2 > nPics then MathSrc2 := 1; end else MathSrc2 := info^.PicNum; end; repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if item = Src1Item then begin setport(d); GetDItemRect(d, item, r); MenuItem := PopUpImageList(r, MathSrc1); if MenuItem <> 0 then MathSrc1 := MenuItem; InvalRect(r); end; if item = Src2Item then begin setport(d); GetDItemRect(d, item, r); MenuItem := PopUpImageList(r, MathSrc2); if MenuItem <> 0 then MathSrc2 := MenuItem; InvalRect(r); end; if item = OpItem then begin setport(d); GetDItemRect(d, item, r); MenuItem := PopUpMenu(ImageMathOpsMenuH, r.left, r.top, ord(CurrentMathOp) + 1); case MenuItem of 1: begin CurrentMathOp := AddMath; if not ScaleOffEdited then begin MathGain := 0.5; MathOffset := 0; ShowScaleAndOffset; end; end; 2: begin CurrentMathOp := SubMath; if not ScaleOffEdited then begin MathGain := 0.5; MathOffset := 128; ShowScaleAndOffset; end; end; 3: begin CurrentMathOp := MulMath; if not ScaleOffEdited then begin MathGain := 1.0 / 255.0; MathOffset := 0; ShowScaleAndOffset; end; end; 4: begin CurrentMathOp := DivMath; if not ScaleOffEdited then begin MathGain := 255.0; MathOffset := 0; ShowScaleAndOffset; end; end; 5: begin CurrentMathOp := AndMath; ResetScaleOff; end; 6: begin CurrentMathOp := OrMath; ResetScaleOff; end; 7: begin CurrentMathOp := XorMath; ResetScaleOff; end; 8: begin CurrentMathOp := MaxMath; ResetScaleOff; end; 9: begin CurrentMathOp := MinMath; ResetScaleOff; end; 10: begin CurrentMathOp := CopyMath; ResetScaleOff; end; otherwise end; InvalRect(r); end; if item = ScaleItem then begin MathGain := GetDReal(d, ScaleItem); ScaleOffEdited := true; end; if item = OffsetItem then begin MathOffset := GetDNum(d, OffsetItem); ScaleOffEdited := true; end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); MathResult := GetDString(d, ResultItem); DisposDialog(d); if item = cancel then exit(DoImageMath); DoMath(MathSrc1, MathSrc2, MathResult); end; end.